【golden palms hotel and spa bangalore】Modern technology aids storytelling of the sacred in Nishan

  发布时间:2024-09-24 14:23:58   作者:玩站小弟   我要评论
The use of modern technology has made the storytelling of the sacred more appealing at Nishan, Qufu, golden palms hotel and spa bangalore。

Thegolden palms hotel and spa bangalore use of modern technology has made the storytelling of the sacred more appealing at Nishan, Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius. At Nishan Sacredland– a complex including a pilgrimage site, tourist resort and education base – visitors are now able to conduct a dialogue at night with the sacred in another world created by lighting technology, drones and 3D mapping.

A file photo shows people visiting the

A file photo shows people visiting the "Great Lecture Room" at Nishan Sacredland in Qufu, Shandong Province. /CFP

Touring the Nishan Sacredland at night, the exquisitely decorated and brightly lit "Great Lecture Room" is the first stop where visitors can feel the long-lasting impact of Confucius.

Then they can watch a large-scale immersive performance celebrating the ancient Chinese systems of rites and music, in which the performers vividly showcase a series of important rites such as the one marking a person's coming of age and marriage.

A file photo show people watching an immersive performance at Nishan Sacredland in Qufu, Shandong Province. /CFP

A file photo show people watching an immersive performance at Nishan Sacredland in Qufu, Shandong Province. /CFP

At about 8 p.m., amid the sounds of melodious ancient Chinese music, numerous Kongming lanterns carrying visitors' wishes for the future rise to the sky slowly, creating a romantic starry scene. Afterwards, hundreds of drones fly over the Shengshui Lake and stage a light show by forming different kinds of patterns such as mountains, rivers, bianzhong or chime bells, Lunyu or Analects of Confucius and the image of Confucius riding a carriage. Meanwhile, below the drones, visitors can also enjoy the music fountains and naked-eye 3D displays which add to their immersive travel experience.

A file photo show people enjoying a light show at Nishan Sacredland in Qufu, Shandong Province. /CFP

A file photo show people enjoying a light show at Nishan Sacredland in Qufu, Shandong Province. /CFP

As the first national-level pilot unit for cultivating new spaces for an immersive experience of smart tourism in Shandong, Nishan Sacredland is expected to bring more surprises to visitors looking to experience smart tourism in the future.

Editor: WRX


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